Thursday, April 2, 2020

Sanatan Vaidik Hindu Dharma

What is Dharma?

Sanatan Dharma stands for a system of orderly principles, rules, and laws derived from the theories of truth which were highlighted in the Vedas over thousands of years. It was and is a democratic system of governance that intellectual minds made. There was never a beginning but has a progression of human minds that synthesized this methodical thinking into a way of life. The truth was evaluated in the physical and the philosophical world. With the development of the human mind, the mind in this transformation became a citizen of two worlds, the world of inner ambitions and the world of outer circumstances. The evolutionary process of human habitation stimulated the intellect and started to engage with the universal consciousness in the hope to identify the creator and its creation. The Vedas has placed before society the highest ideals of human life based on virtues and guided the entire humanity by achieving perfect coordination of thoughts and behavior.

This was later called Dharma.
·         The word ‘dharma’ (धर्म) in Sanskrit is derived from the root धृ meaning ‘to hold’, ‘to bear’, ‘to carry’, ‘to support’ or to "sustain.”(धारणात् ) And’ is Mama means ‘my’
·         Hence dharma means; ( Mera Dharan Karna) my upholding, my support, my protection , my  safeguarding my sustenance, my continuation and my preservation.
·         To an average Hindu Dharma then means my upholding, my support, my protection , my  safeguarding my sustenance, my continuation and my preservation of the truth in the Vedas.
·         In the Vedas Dharma is righteousness

To summarize the knowledge of Vedanta, every Hindu as finally adopted the teachings and call it his own Dharma. Therefore no Hindu is the same for the follows his Dharma by the ancestral gene that dictated his decision.  He is given that democratic right to select his dharma according to the standing order in a social group. Therefore Hinduism is not a religion that commands a social order but establishes a choice that can be manipulated according to one's needs.

Hindu Prayers

Once Sanatan Dharma found its roots in the Vedic era, rituals became a norm. This ritualistic tradition finally was called Hinduism by the west. Traditionally we are Vedanta’s. Rituals played a very important role in all religions and Vedanta had a mark influence on Hindus. Ultimately prayers had been nominated as a necessity by all religions of the world. Some religions are based on a social order, a few are for values of life that one should live for in harmony with fellow humans and various others are philosophy of life based on the theory of truth. Prayers accordingly had different approaches to one's believes. Some prayers are recited in the praise of the lord while a number of them are based on a request for desires. Intellectuals prayed to the creator to stimulate their intellects so that they could take the right action at the right time and the thinkers asked for knowledge with the aim of finding salvation, moksha or mukti from their creator. Hindus have a ritualistic prayer incorporating a basic ceremony passed on from generation to generation.
The five main Vedic deities who are mainly Nature gods and who have touched the cycle of life of man are:
  1.     Surya- Sun God
  2.   Varuna- God of Water
  3.     Indra- king of Gods
  4.   Vayu- God of Winds
  5.     Agni- God of Fire

Hindu prayer ritual

Hindus of today worship the five Vedic Nature gods in a prayer ritual, invoking the Soul (Jivatman). The faith and respect in the worship of these Vedic gods go as far back as 12 000 years.
  •        Hindus always face the east to acknowledge the rising Sun.
  •       By making a tiluck on the foreheads of idols or pictures of a family deity (Ishtadev)          Idradevs power is evoked.
  •        In lighting the lamp (Deepak) one evokes Agnidev, the true spirit.
  •       We also confirm the presence of Vayudev by lighting an agaratti, loban or camphor,      evoking his ability to take our day’s message to the Lord.
  •      By putting a tiluk, swastika or Aum on the container of water one evokes Varunadev. This is to confirm the truth that Vedas worship. Truth is infinite and timeless
By doing these rituals, we evoke the supreme Soul (Paramatma) or the one God who is ageless, formless and sexless. With praises to the Lord, repeating mantras and approaching to the end of the ritualistic worship of the Lord we perform the aarti.

Life on planet earth is biological excellence, terraforming a lonely planet to designed parameters of a creator that produced self-replicating creations. The human life is created in its image hence it represents the creators objective to obtain the desired purpose.
  • Life on earth is made up of intelligence, energy and matter, the mortal or physical plane. 
  • In the absence of matter i.e. Intelligence and energy, life is defined in the the immortal or astral plane
  • In the absence of energy and matter i.e. intelligence only, life is defined in the divine or celestial plane
  • Life can only exist if consciousness is activated giving intelligence a platform to interact

 Having translated the prayer ritual to the scientific world. The repetitions of names, obedience to rituals and meditation on symbols, reading of scriptures or holy books are for the purification of our soul (Jivatman). With a purified soul, our consciousness is activated reaching the expanded form of consciousness in becoming one with Parabrahma or Paramatma

Lighting a Deya has become a ritual in all Hindu prayers.

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