Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Scientific Reality of a Flame


In quantum physics, light is described in a wave and a particle form. The wave particle duality has been contested and experimented by many physicist and have excepted the resulting results that light behaves in both forms, as waves and particles. Consciousness is the only witness to this reality.
If we were to find the different frequencies of light generated by different mediums then we will be able to find the different energies of the photons. It will be interesting to compare the ancient Hindu believe of different lamps and as to why?
 Formula: E = h f where: E = Energy of the photon (in Joules) h = Constant, actually known as Planck's constant, equals 6.62606957 × 10-34 m2 kg / s.. f = frequency of the light in units of per seconds (1/seconds)

Science of a flame

The candle flame is studied the most, and it is important to know its attributes as they are similar to the Deya or Deepam

Symbolism in Hinduism of a flame in a Deya

The Deya is the central theme of Hindu prayers and each part of the Deya is symbolised with the Vedic Deities and the Panchmahaboot. It is interesting to note how traditions and rituals promoted these Vedic teachings in symbolism. The Deya or Deepam or the Hindu lamp stood the test of time in the continuation of the Vedic teachings. In the study of the Deya it takes me back in the mystic past. The Indians knew some amazing things but just dint knows how to pass it on scientifically to the common man. So they made them into mythological stories .Mythology creates faith and makes the mind practical .Now it is just the way you look at it, Religious or Scientific.
 The five  tatvas, which we experience as qualities in the body and in all matter, are: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether (Panchmahaboot). These five earthly tattvas are qualities in our senses and in the world. A Tattva is vibration of ether. Pancha Bhoota or Pancha Maha-Bhoota (Sanskrit: पञ्चभूत, पञ्चमहाभूत ) , five great elements, also five physical elements, is a group of five basic elements, which, according to Hinduism, is the basis of all cosmic creation.

In Hinduism, Shakti (Devanagari: शक्ति; from Sanskrit shak, "to be able"), also spelled as Sakthi, meaning "power" or "empowerment" is the primordial cosmic energy and represents the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the entire universe. Ghee or clarified butter is an element of Shakti and as a consistent energy source which is used as a fuel in the Deya
Prakṛti. Prakṛti, also Prakṛiti or Prakṛuti (from Sanskrit language प्रकृति,prakṛti), means "nature". It is a key concept in Hinduism, formulated by its Samkhya School, and refers to the primal matter with three different innate qualities (Guṇas) whose equilibrium is the basis of all observed empirical reality. All plants store energy and that stored energy can be used by burning it. The cotton fiber also has that stored energy which burns when lighted. The cotton fiber is thus an element of nature.

 Conduction Convection and Radiation is thermal energy and the flame persuades its scientific reality. The Hindus regarded this energy as Spiritual energy termed as URJA and is ritualistically dedicated to Agni Deva. The Deya or the Hindu lamp personifies a spiritual worship by representing the aura of the flame that would occupy the conscious mind, body and soul with the universal consciences.
URJA means Spiritual energy. The term energy has been widely accepted by writers and thinkers of various forms of spirituality and alternative medicine. Many references are made in conceiving this as   “fields” surrounding the earth, any living thing or energy and matter, supposed to be directly visible and accessible to the human mind as “auras”, “rays”, “fields” or “vibrations 
The original homogeneous energy from creation is often called Akasha in Indian philosophy and modern occult circles. This is the residence of Urja. In alchemy and other incarnations of the Perennial Tradition it is termed the Secret Fire ( Agni Deva). This elemental psychic energy is completely instinctual and unconscious and is heavily influenced by spiritual, psychic, and psychological phenomena. One of the major functions of the Secret fire is to increase human self-awareness. At the lowest level, this is the ego, at its highest, it is the Higher Self.

Meditation on a Flame in Jewish Mysticism

Nefesh , Ruach, Neshama Chaya and Yechida  describes the divine soul that involves in five ascending levels of consciousness

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